Wednesday, July 28, 2010

#6: Quaint (but awesome) Presents OR why I am the best Aunt in the World...

Beatrix Potter came yesterday!  

I'm so excited.  My brother and his partner recently had a child (the first grandchild in my family) and I haven't been able to get home to meet her!  Which feels weird and wrong and just...well, wrong.  

BUT I am going home early next month to meet my darling niece and see my family.  I can't wait.

I also haven't been able to get her any cool presents as the postage is ludicrous; just a few onsies and beanies etc.  So, knowing that I was going home I ordered the Complete Works of Beatrix Potter and it came yesterday!

I know its trite and old school but our parents used to read the stories to us when we were kids and there are ongoing jokes in my family about Jemima Puddleduck; Jeremy Fischer and Tabitha Twitchit.  

My parents and bro and sis even let me name the cat (I'm the youngest) and I named her Moppet (I was 7)!  Then when I got my own cat (at 11) I named her Mittens.  We never were allowed to get boy cats or I would have had a Tom Kitten too!

I've never lived it down.

ANYWAY, the point is, I am excited and The Jaguar is snoring his head off so I thought I'd share.  I'm off to hunt for more presents.

Oh crap, I have to clean the bedroom...

AND, its my turn to do the dishes...

Oh poo, there is washing on the line...

And I believe this is all supposed to be about organising a wedding.

And bollocks, I have a degree to finish.

All that being said...a little hunt for childish goodness wont hurt, I'm sure.  Anyway, The Jaguar is still asleep which basically means I could still be asleep which means really, I don't have to do anything.

Good logic.

Will report back if I find anything awesome.

Emily x


  1. I HAVE THOSE MOVIES!!! I loooooove them!!! I think I still have them on my shelf, if I do, I'm watching them tonight :D They were just the best ^^ I wish kids and babies these days had better things to watch such as these, but now it's all mindless entertainment, not thinking power needed! I'm glad you're being a good aunt and giving them something good to watch :D

  2. I brought my niece the books rather than the films. I forgot all about those. They were genius!
    I always liked the intro because she had REAL animals. I was pretty jealous. I wanted a bunny to live on MY desk. Way better than the crap around these days (I say like I'm 80).
    Have an awesome time watching Beatrix. Think of me and say hi to Jemima for me! :)
